who knew so much fun could emerge from a pile of crap?!
yesterday, we rounded up 10 of our ladyfriends and each arrived at erin's place armed with a bag of unwanted clothes. i'm moving next month, so it felt extremely proactive to mine the depths of my drawers (not those drawers, for anyone reading this in 19th century victorian england) well in advance of my packing frenzy. it felt sort of like getting all your christmas shopping done in august.
i'm generally pretty good about recycling clothes i don't want, so i was surprised that i still filled two cloth shopping bags with shirts and skirts and shoes and such. the trick was to get ruthless. if i couldn't remember the last time i wore it, it went into the bag. two very similar shirts? one had to walk the plank. ARRR!! SPONTANEOUS PIRATE INTERLUDE.
after a deeeeeliiiiicious breakfast of erin's homemade crepes - the kind of breakfast filled with warm weekend sunshine, laughter and more coffee - the kind that makes you look around and wonder how you managed to find a whole roomful of such beautiful and hilarious gals - we got down to the business of the clothing swap! we dumped all our bags out on the floor, and everyone was free to try on and take whatever appealed.
it was an amazingly democratic experience - it felt like what didn't work for one person naturally worked for someone else, and we managed to send the majority of clothes home with new owners. the rest we donated to goodwill.
i scored a whole bunch of rockin' stuff without spending 0.1 of a penny on any of it! i'm coming to really love the feeling of breathing new life into something that was headed into a landfill. slowly, it's becoming more gratifying than ploppin' down $50 for something new. once you start to approach each day with that goal, it becomes a bit of a mission, a challenge in a world that really doesn't reward it.
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